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Mrs. Beautiful Skin 2016/17 Blogger Mom of 2 Beautiful Angels Wifey Fitness Instructor Happy & Contented

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Mummy Makeover - Getting A Breast Augmentation In Singapore_Part 1

Happy New Year everyone! I'm starting my first blog of 2019 with a change, something I've had thoughts of for the longest time and something I never thought I'll do. As much as it sounds contradicting, I've just done the craziest thing this New Year - a breast augmentation!! *Screams* I am now day-9 post op (#throwback 'cuz in fact today when I live this post I'm 13 days post op) and I am penning down what I have to say, share and tell about my experience b'cuz I know there are soooooo many like-minded Mummies (and non Moms) out there who dream of getting a BA and just like me have pondered for a long time. I hope what ever I share will help you have a better idea of what to expect about this procedure.

Ps. I am not encouraging anyone to get a plastic surgery, I only hope for those who're considering to be able to make informed decisions as you read through my real & honest experience. Ultimately the body is ours and its only our decisions that matter. I welcome exchanging feedbacks & information but certainly do not appreciate judgy ones. Thanks!

So here I was, seated at the reception of Allure Plastic Surgery (Sg) right after the op. I guess it wasn't that bad afterall. It was my first op on my body apart from delivering both my girls thru normal birth, I guess those didn't count? Frankly speaking, I was nervous weeks before the op. But the feelings of nervousness actually came from the thoughts of me being away from my kids for 4 nights b'cuz I chose to check into a hotel for a complete and peaceful rest before returning to my kids. And I was also worried about the post-op recovery, more than the op itself b'cuz I'm worried my kids (esp the younger one 'cuz she'e 19 months old) would not listen and cry for my hugs or to be carried, or worst, bang into my boobs. **nightmare** I've never been away from both my kids at the same time and my younger one has slept with me since she was born, I was actually worried if they'll be okay. That kinda went on and on in my mind for the entire month before the op, and the month before this month I was worried about how to wean my breastfed baby. #MomLife #facepalmsmyself

To summarize things, the 4 nights went well afterall and I finally realised that it was me #TheNeedyMom who worried too much.
And all thanks to my Hubs & family members being supportive, this is rather important when it comes big decisions like these 'cuz having unsupportive family or friends might lead to lots of negative feelings and might cause depression. It is tough and I do know friends who go thru that. (i.e. having to deal with negative comments)

If you'd been following my blog, you would've known it's not my first cosmetic surgery done but it is certainly the first one performed on my body. Not being new to this PS (aka plastic surgery) thing, I was not that nervous and I was surprised I didn't feel it at all even when I was lying on the operating bed. I was really calm & composed, as how the anesthetist (Dr. Yeo) described.

Let me answer some questions (along the way) that are often asked when people first find about someone getting a PS or after getting a PS:

This is probably the first or most common question, but before I answer that I have to share this. There are 3 kinds of people in this scenario; one that can relate and will not question but support your decision because they feel the same and want the same, the other who doesn't understand or can't/have not relate (yet) and questions your decisions, the last being similar to the latter but will show support even if they do/do not understand/relate. Why am I saying this? Because that's what you will have to deal with if you're going thru with it. It may get to you and some people get depressed about it (that's why I want to put it out there), but you have to know what you really want and if its worth. It's like what I mentioned earlier on, having to deal with it.

The real answer to this qn? Simply put... I am a mother of 2, and after breastfeeding both of them my boobies have become smaller than the already small size they were. For me I didn't have saggy boobs and this is probably the only plus point for having small boobs. Haha.. As you can see in my picture above, that was taken when I was in a pageant end 2016 and I was in my early pregnancy with my 2nd child. I could barely fill the bikini top up and even if I wanted to wear a push-up bra, I would neither fill the cups up entirely. That's pretty sad.

I mentioned that it was something I never thought of doing, that was b'cuz I thought if not one sees "them" no one knows so I don't care. Then one day (or a few occasions) one of my pageant BFFs tried to brainwash me telling me how good I'll look in fuller boobs and if I had fuller boobs I'll look perfect. I'm not saying that I am or I will but it got me thinking. I started looking around and I come to realise yes I am really small and I sometimes do not look as good in clothes or rather I couldn't wear certain types of clothes and I did wish I could. I looked up online for local plastic surgeons and clinics then stumbled across Allure PS, booked a consultation (end August 2018), spoke to Dr. Ho, thought for 2 months, then finally decided to go for it.

Fast forward 4 months after the initial consult with Dr. Ho, these were what I packed for my 4 nights staycay @ Genting Hotel. I picked Genting Hotel as it was the only hotel in Jurong and the closest to my place. It'll be convenient for my Hubs to drop by when I needed something.

The must-packs include:
1. Nipple tape - no bras for at least a month
2. Front-buttoned clothing and PJs - b'cuz you won't really be able to lift your arms so much the first week post-op

The rest are really optional depending on what you need. I brought face & eye masks since I thought it'll be a great time to do these things since I have to lay down all day. Brought my iPad along to keep myself entertained by Netflix, and my protein shake + fruits fix for breakfast 'cuz I knew my Hubs wouldn't be that early so I had to settle my morning meals on my own.

How to prep for the op? (not the full list)
1. Remove all accessories and jewelry - nothing should be on you
2. No manicure - your vitals need to be checked
3. Fast 6 hours before the op

And so the day came, 2nd day of 2019 and also the day I've been prepping myself for. I took a last photo of myself before getting changed and headed for the clinic. I was never able to wear bralettes b'cuz I wouldn't look good in them and my boobs were to small to fill them. I bought this VS bralette a week before my op to try for a before-and-after pic, hoping I'll finally be able to fill them and look good in them. I'll try them on for photos when I'm ready to and show you guys how I look in them post-op. I know there's many of you who can't wait to see my new boobies, you pervs! Hahahaha.. Kidding. I'll share when I feel they're ready k.

On a side note, the morning I left my house for the clinic, I cried b'cuz I missed my kids even before missing them literally. I was such a needy Mom and I had separation anxiety my Hubs laughed and joked saying that I wouldn't even have cried if I had to leave him. Lols. He was not wrong.. Hahaha... I was totally emo man, but I did it and I'm glad it all went well. I faced-timed them everyday and it filled my heart to see them happy and okay.

Arriving at Allure PS, it was close to 11am. I filled up the consent form, made payment, was explained on the medication and dosage, took some photos, then sat at the waiting area all excited (but still emo, haha) to get changed.

The clinic had a cosy setting, and is located on the penthouse of Wisma. Who knew there was a PS clinic on the 22nd floor right?!

Why did I choose Allure Plastic Surgery?
My 2 previous PS-es were done overseas, this round I decided on getting my BA done in Sg b'cuz now that I have 2 kids I wanted to be close to them. I looked up online for PS surgeons and clinics in Sg and one of the reasons why I chose Allure was b'cuz of their vision. Dr. Ho. is dedicated to helping mothers restore their self-confidence after having children. This vision was very relatable and exactly how I felt at that moment so I decided to give it a go - a consult with Dr. Ho.

Both the consultations went well, all I can say is that Dr. Ho. seemed friendly and professional. He knew what I wanted and listened to what I was concerned with - which is very important when it comes to making such a big decision. He was also patient with my MANY questions b'cuz I bombarded him with questions on my first and second consult, and even on the surgery day. LOLs. I actually asked alot of questions b'cuz BA is a very new topic to me and I wanted to get my thoughts straightened and also understand better so I can share with you guys. I felt comfortable with the clinic, Dr. Ho, the staff, and everything I was going thru so I confirmed my surgery with them once I was successful in weaning Baby H. (my toddler) off. It was not an easy process (emotionally - yes I cried many times) to wean her off at 17 months PP but she was good to me by making the transition easy.

FYI Breastfeeding Mummies:
You need to fully wean you baby off at least for a month before you're able to go for the procedure. I did an ultrasound scan 1.5 months after I weaned my toddler to get confirmed clearance for the BA surgery. The scan was about $130+. Do note that even if you're not a breastfeeding Mom, you'd likely have to get your boobs checked before the op. The doctor/clinic will advise which type of scan you will be going thru 'cuz I know it is also dependent on you age.

Getting an op like this done is a huge decision, and I did actually feel a teeny bit scared when I was reading thru the consent form. Well, consent forms have to indicate clearly the seriousness of the procedure as well as the possible implications. Clearly every procedure would have its own risks and do read up and speak to a PS-surgeon about your doubts.
These were all the medication given for post-op recovery. They included anti-nausea meds which you may take if you feel nausea from the general anesthesia, which is a common side effect apart from shivering. I experienced shivering when I was waiting in the waiting area after the op but I was SOOOOO HAPPY I did not feel nausea AT ALL!!! This is probably the happiest thing about the surgery I felt b'cuz the last time I was under GA, I woke up feeling CRAP and I vomited like the whole night and lucky thing there was someone taking care of me so I didn't puke all over myself and on the floor. I was so worried if I'll go thru the same bad experience as the last and thank goodness I felt really great 'cuz I was gonna be alone in the hotel. Can't imagine if I was that nausea and puked all over the hotel room. Jeez.. I must say the anesthetist (Dr. Yeo) did a great job. Before the op he spoke to me for awhile, asking me some questions on my experiences with GA and getting to understand how my body reacted towards it. He told me he'll try his best to make my experience comfortable, and he did. So thank you Dr. Yeo!!!

Oh yes back to the meds, besides the anti-nausea medication, I was given anti-gastic pills, pain killers, anti-biotics, and sleeping pills to help tide thru the initial nights.

I was also given this "warranty card" or some sort and a stabilizing elastic band which I did not take a photo of b'cuz I've been keeping it on. It's basically a white elastic band where I go one round around my chest to keep the implants in place. I'll have to wear them for 2 weeks; 24 hours a day for the first week then 12 hours a day for the next. You can briefly see how the band looks like in my YouTube video.

How Much Did I Pay?
This is what I call starting the year with a bang.. a bang in my bank account that is.. LOLs. Probably my biggest sign off on my credit card. But I guess 一分钱一分货 (you get what you pay for), some things can't be thrift on. I've seen friends who thrift on PS and the results they get was really what they paid for, had to get revisions at a better place and so end up spending double/triple the supposed costs. Besides, I get to stay in Sg and I save on traveling and other additional costs. But please note that my costs may not be the cost for your BA at Allure b'cuz different sized implants are priced differently, so please go for your consult and get your questions answered by a qualified doctor and staff of the PS clinic/hospital.

If you're wondering, it typically cost $15-17K to get a BA done at Allure.

I haven't shared much about the brand and type of implants yet so here it is.

Type Of Implant
I got "gummy bear" implants by MENTOR®. MENTOR® is FDA-approved and "gummy bear" implants are one of the latest types of implants. These MENTOR® MemoryShape® implants are termed as "gummy bear" implants b'cuz the implants are filled with a highly cohesive gel and have a unique, tapered appearance. Meaning if you cut the implant into half, there won't be anything "flowing" out b'cuz the material is cohesive.

This was what I meant by "gummy bear".

Unlike round breast implants, MENTOR® MemoryShape® Breast Implants are teardrop shaped, meaning they're thinner at the top and gently slope to a fuller projection point near the implant's bottom to mimic the silhouette of a natural breast. Each MemoryShape® Implant features SILTEX® Texture, a gentle imprinting process designed to help keep your implants in place (info and description taken from http://www.mentorwwllc.com/global-us/Breast.aspx).

These are the 5 simple steps to expect of the BA surgery and post-op.

Type Of Incision
At Allure PS, Dr. Ho performs the BA surgery using the IN-BREAST-FOLD-INCISION (aka underboob incision). There are definitely pros & cons for each type of incision. Underboob incision I heard was not as painful as the underarm incision and the nipple incision has a higher risk of nerve complication around the nipple and therefore is not suitable for ladies who are considering breastfeeding in future.

Placement Of Breast Implants
Dr. Ho recommended me to go for the SUBPECTORAL IMPLANT PLACEMENT which means the implants will be placed below my pectorial (aka chest) muscles. This was the best option for someone who might consider having another baby and also breastfeeding again and it also looks more natural. IDK if I am or will have another baby, but doing this means playing safe and keeping my options open.

Will Having Another Baby Change My Implant/Boob Size?
This is another popular question. The implant will not change its size or shape even after pregnancy and breastfeeding, but your boob size/shape might change b'cuz afterall out breasts are made of fatty tissue. If we gain/lose weight it changes our natural breast size. So to answer the question, it may change out boob size/shape after pregnancy/breastfeeding but defo not sag. I was told by a friend that her friend who had a BA done before having a baby, experienced a downsize after breastfeeding. But she was still full and bigger than before, so I guess its not too big an issue? This may be something to consider - the timeline of your BA with your family planning if it is a concern for you.

Finally I was taken to the waiting area to change out of my clothes and prep for the op. I took photos as a last look of my old body. Just to set things straight, I was never flat but I was small. I've been a B cup and Dr. Ho told me I'm (if I didn't remember wrongly):

My Boob Size
330cc on the left and 290cc on the right, something like that I briefly remember.

Implant Size
And I opt for 330cc implants to achieve a full C.

Dr. Ho came into the waiting room to measure me up again and did some markings on my breast, those like what you see in Nip Tuck. Hahaha, loved watching that show all about PS but it is all getting real so soon.

These were the boxes of implants prepped for my op. Obviously I didn't use all of it, i'm not a cow! There were 2 different sizes presented on the counter b'cuz previously I have not decided on the size I wanted.

#Throwback To My Consultation And How I Decided On The Implant Size
When I went for my first consult, I tried on a white & tight Tee where Dr. Ho's assistant placed some implants inside of the Tee to "stimulate" the actual size of my boobs with the chosen implant size. Being so afraid of ginormous boobies, I asked to try the smallest and then eventually the 2nd smallest. At that time I was overwhelmed by how big I felt even though I had the smallest size on. I think I was just so not used to how it felt. Subsequently during the 2nd and final consult, I request to try the 3rd smallest which was the 330cc size. Dr. Ho told me that it was a good fit for me as I was tall and since have a bigger built, it'd be much proportionate and look better on me. I am happy I got this size 'cuz it really seems just nice now on my big-framed body. Couldn't imagine if I had anything smaller 'cuz there wouldn't be much of a difference then.

Being positive about my decision after confirming the implant size again, I waited for the clock to strike 12pm (time of my surgery), I kaypo-ed and took some more photos and IGS to say BRB & TTYL... And that was it.. in I went to the surgical theater.
Almost 3.5 hours later, I got up at 3:30pm and found myself in the waiting room of the clinic. I did not feel pain but more like tightness in my chest and I was slightly groggy but conscious enough to think straight and speak. Called for my Hubs to be in the waiting room with me, I asked for him to take a video of me 'cuz I wanted to see how groggy I was.. Hahahaha.. Obviously I was conscious enough. I'll share the video below so please click and watch my post-op videos.

To wrap things up, I got up awhile later, changed and got my stuff and waited in the reception area for the nurse to bring me some hot Milo and medication to prevent gastric & nausea. Hubs drove to get some soup and checked me into the hotel.

How Long Does The Surgery Take?
Probably just over an hour or max 2...

So i'll say 1-2 hours.
It was about 4:30pm when I checked in. Got my Hubs to open my luggage up and keep everything in the open so I'll be able to navigate thru my stuff easily, and he took off to get my kids. All in all I felt really okay, I started taking videos and photos, walked around the room doing my stuff, and felt GREAT b'cuz I didn't have to deal with being nausea or puking. That was one of the best thing from this surgery apart from everything being so smooth.

Please please do remember to prepare front-button clothing 'cuz its really not gonna be easy changing and I doubt I'll be able to even if someone helped. The ROM (range of motion) of arm and shoulder movement is really limited during the first few days post op so you're definitely gonna need this kinda clothing.

That's all for today & I hope that this sharing session has been informative and helps you to make better informed choices. I'll be ending this post with my Op Day Vlog (above). Feel free to leave comments in the comment box below if you have any question/s regarding the topic and I'll try my best to answer them if it's not already stated in my blog above. Stay tuned for part 2 of this blog where I will share my post-op recovery experience, bye for now~! ; )

If you'd like to see some short videos about my BA journey and post-op updates, be sure to check out my Insta Highlights on my profile.. click here for my IG.

I've also uploaded more post op recovery vlogs on my YouTube channel, click here to watch!

P.S. If you'd like to see my future posts, follow me on Facebook and Instagram...


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    Any woman desires youthful, perky breasts, which is a source of confidence, and self esteem in their feminine identity. With time and circumstances of life they experience significant impact on the appearance of the breast size, shape and texture. Pregnancy, weight fluctuations and natural aging process all work together to affect the integrity of your breast aesthetics. No amount of diet or exercise will help remedy of sagging breasts. The best available option to reclaim the youthfulness of the bust is to undergo Breast Lift.

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    Any woman desires youthful, perky breasts, which is a source of confidence, and self esteem in their feminine identity. With time and circumstances of life they experience significant impact on the appearance of the breast size, shape and texture. Pregnancy, weight fluctuations and natural aging process all work together to affect the integrity of your breast aesthetics. No amount of diet or exercise will help remedy of sagging breasts. The best available option to reclaim the youthfulness of the bust is to undergo Breast Lift.


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    If you're considering getting liposuction as part of your weight loss plan or as part of a ”mommy makeover” package after having children, it's important to know that liposuction alone may not be enough to achieve your desired results. You may need additional treatments such as tummy tuck surgery or a breast lift with augmentation in order to get the look you want.

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  107. As someone who has been considering breast augmentation in Singapore, I can't help but share my experience with Nassim Plastic Surgery. From the moment I walked in, I felt reassured by their professional and welcoming staff. The consultation with Dr. [Surgeon's Name] was informative and thorough, addressing all my concerns and providing personalized recommendations.

    What truly sets Nassim Plastic Surgery apart is their commitment to safety and excellence in every step of the process. Their state-of-the-art facilities and advanced techniques gave me the confidence to proceed with my procedure. Moreover, the post-operative care was exceptional, with regular follow-ups to ensure my recovery was progressing smoothly.

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