Wednesday, May 27, 2020

My Delivery Story - Officially A Mother Of Three Girls!

They say every pregnancy and delivery is different, now I'll have three different stories to tell for the birth of my three princesses. 

When I had Fayth, the first sign was a dilation of 2cm at 37/38 weeks, followed by a call to my boss for immediate activation of maternity leave. 5 days later I woke up in the middle of the night and found my water bag broken. 9 hours from the broken water bag and 1 hour of pushing, she was born.

With Hope at 35 weeks, I felt some cramping on and off for a day. At night it got more intense and I knew I'll have to have a check in the morning. Before I left home I already had bloody show and I know for sure I had to pay the gynae a visit. Was warded immediately and given meds to stop my contractions and a jab to speed up maturity of baby's lungs. But no more than 5 hours since the bloody show, Hope just couldn't wait and she arrived - without a push!! She slid out.. hahaha.. Was the easiest birth I'd say.

Instant love, instant connection.
But actually this day Hope was a little emo. *Hugs* my big baobei~

With Baby J, at the night of CNY day 3 (2020), I started to feel contractions. Wasn't sure if they were real or fake 'cuz I actually had "contractions" for days/ almost a week prior to that night. I started to time the intervals and found that they were regular and not only that, were getting closer - 5 minutes at first, then it progressively became 3-5 minutes each time. Luckily i stopped my hubs from heading out for his night errands when I sensed something "different". Told him "okay I'm gonna wash my hair now and go to the hospital", so that's what we did. It was 8+pm when we left home, my heart sank as I left both my older girls at home and Hope was crying hysterically as Mama left her. 

Arrived at the hospital and I was 4cm dilated already. This round I really didn't feel that the contractions were painful, it just felt like tightening everytime it happened. I could still walk from the waiting room to the labor room on my own and it felt great! ('cuz the previous 2 i was pushed into the labor ward on a bed, haha) Still asked for epi even though i didn't think i really really needed it, 'cuz at first my gynae thought it'll take some time for me to dilate as he mentioned my cervix was still thick - thought i had to wait long so i'd rather have some peaceful rest while waiting. He had to break my water bag to speed things up. Dr Tho (my gynae) told me he'd be expecting baby's arrival just before sunrise..

But who knew around 2am when i was just about to feel sleepy, i suddenly felt that the tightening got grew more intense and felt like something "below" was coming out so I got the nurses to check. True enough, i was close to full dilation already! SUPER FAST! Dr Tho came right back and prepped me up, i gave 5 pushes and Baby J. was born. I swear if I knew she was gonna come this quickly I could have tried without epi and save on the backache and epi pain (explain below later). But with low dose of epi it made everything a breeze, plus pushing her out was also a smooth & easy.

I side track abit... this round it was the first time ever I felt that administration of epi the most painful!! I guess it's because I was not so much in contractions pain it mad me feel too much of the epi needle going into my back. It was horrible and I had to gas up to relax myself during the administration. Gosh!! If given a choice that I could redo things, I would have done without epi.

For my first 2, contractions were so painful I really couldn't feel much of the epi pain during administration. This round it was totally "memorable".. haha, but not so in a good way.

Buttttttt, anyways choice is made and everything is done and i'm just glad Baby J. arrived safely and she's been awfully guai (good) 'cuz she listened to EVERY SINGLE THING I told her when she was in my tums. First I told her to stay in til the safe zone, and she did. Then I prayed for her to come subtly and arrive smoothly, and she did just that. You are so guai my baobei!! *MuaCks**

This 3rd baobei of mine arrived on day 4 of CNY at 38 weeks exactly, weighing at 2.77kg. The feeling of meeting your lil' one for the first time never gets old. It was love at first sight! :)

And latching for the first time was also a wonderful and special moment. I swear you won't know this feeling until you tried it for yourself! The feeling is so amazing you won't know it until it hits you! Hehe!!

I remembered setting this alphabet board up in my labor ward while waiting for her to arrive haha.
Must prep for nice photo taking 'cuz last baby liao!

Who do you think she looks like? At first look both hubs and I feel she has her own unique look.

But later on I feel she looks like Hope Jie2 when she was a newborn baby.
Now at home sometimes I see both her Jie2s in her face, but I guess they're sisters so they'll always have a little of each other in their faces.. Hehe. 

And here's a short video of her two Jie2's reaction when meeting Baby J. for the first time.
This will be memories for them later on when they've grown up, it'll be a lovely memory to look back at. I love you girls and you'll always have each other! Happy & contented with a complete set - Fayth, Hope, Joy, we can close shop liao. Muahahahahaha.. Don't ask me if we wanna try for a boy or add on another Mei2 'Love', not our intention or a need. I think we are very happy and comfortable where we are already, one more means being out numbered!! LOLs!! Kudos to Mummies & Daddies who have more than 3 kids, especially if they're like mine all small age gaps...!! How do you do it?! But first, must make sure my Hubs go tie else its not a guaranteed. Hurhur~

Jotting down this to share with anyone who's curious or kaypo to find out, and also for me to read probably when I'm old and reminiscing. But for now I'm surely gonna remember this day deeply in my heart maybe until my girls start driving me nuts. Haha... Do feel free to leave comments in the comment box below if you have any question/s regarding the topic and I'll try my best to answer them if it's not already stated in my blog above. And that's all for today, bye~! ; )

Ps. here's the link to my 2nd birth story if you're keen. :)
Click here!

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Bye for now and see you soon! ðŸ™‚