Monday, July 24, 2017

Mummy Product Review_Lactation Cookies & Bars From Cherabite

Have you heard of such a thing called a Lactation Cookie? Or a Lactation Bar? It has been a huge trend since the last 2 years or at least that I recall and back then I only knew about it after I stopped breastfeeding so I never had the chance to try them. If you Google online you're able to find many local bakers offering freshly baked cookies otherwise on some websites selling pre-packed ones. Though I never had the chance to try any back then, I saw many friends and bloggers raving about the effects and how tasty they are. I naturally wanted to try for myself when I could. I wondered if they're really effective? Or how yums they could be? Would it hurt my waistline if I depended on them? So now that I've had my 2nd baby and breastfeeding fully, I'm excited to try out some Lactation Snacks. Let me share more about them!

These are the available product category from CherAbite, there are lactation cookies, lactation bars as well as just classic cookies. Customization of the cookies and bars are also available upon request. Just to share a little about the person behind these awesome bakes - Cheryl herself is a mother of 2 who were breastfed and she enjoyed baking during her free time. She noticed that some of her friends had difficulty producing breast milk and started to research on methods to increase their breast milk supply. She finally found a solution in lactation cookies and started baking for her friends to sample and found amazing results. Their breast milk supply increased significantly, allowing them to provide their babies with the best nutrients possible. Cheryl also recently launched her new product, the first Lactation Bars in Singapore and I am really excited to share with you in a bit - am actually snacking away as I'm typing now. Haha.

I first tried the Lactation Cookies when I was pregnant. They're actually safe for expecting Moms or anyone else to have just that the ingredients in them makes it milk boosters for breastfeeding Moms and are nutritious for everyone. Some of my friends even said that they felt they're breasts full after taking a few pieces - not sure if it was imaginary or for reals. I remembered how surprised I was when I had a cookie for the first time. At that time this was the 3rd brand I've tried already and even though all of them were good, this was totally different. I was out in the middle of a hot day and I popped one into my mouth, it was soft and had a kueh kueh taste. Though I know this description sounds difficult to understand, my taste buds fell in love when the melted Chocolate Chip Cookie exploded in my mouth. Haha I know sounds very 'kua zhang' (exaggerating) but I really did feel this way.

The Lactation Cookies come is 4 standard creations: The Original, Chocolate Chips, Fruits & Nuts, and Just Oats. Otherwise you may also request for a customised flavor with 3 toppings of your choice. Pricing for the standard flavors and customised ones are the same price, how awesome is that? The ingredients used for baking are carefully selected and all cookies are baked freshly upon order. 

Here we have the 4 standard flavors. My personal favs are the Chocolate Chip one 'cuz it helps satisfy my craving for chocolates as well as either the Original/Fruit & Nut one. Both the latter taste quite similar 'cuz they both have raisins in them, only thing that's clearly different is that the Fruit & Nut has seeds and nuts in it.

These two upfront are custom flavors - on the left Blueberry and the right Apricot Oats.
Blueberries are packed with anti-oxidants while apricots are potential milk boosters.


Since I started eating them during the late stages of my pregnancy, I had some stash when my baby decided to come early. Got Hubs to bring me a packet while I was at my 'staycation'.. Haha.. Had it with Milo as snacks or anytime I was hungry, shiok!

A very lovely handmade hamper was sent to me during confinement with CherAbite's latest product. Back then it was for trials first so they were called Organic Lactation Treats. Then later on the final product during its official launch was renamed to Organic Lactation Bars.

So these are the final products and is now on sale on their website.
CherAbite is the first and probably the only one who has this new lactation snack now.

They come in four unique flavors and packed in boxes of 7 which are bite-sized and individually wrapped for convenience.

The Lactation Bars come in four yummy flavors:
Plain, Coco.Cranberry Almonds, Macadamia Choc.Conut, Chocolate and Mixed Seeds Quinoa.
The name itself sounds very interesting already right? As you can see from the picture 2 of them are chocolate-based and the other 2 are plain based. So probably easier for you to decide which is your preference.

Plain - the Lactation Bars have a soft yet crunchy and chewy texture to them. They look and taste a little like the usual cereal bars but has an extra chew to them which I really like alot. Damn addictive! The plain one is good for someone who likes their cereal bars classic without toppings.

Coco.Cranberry Almonds - this is kinda' similar to the plain one but with more crunch from the almonds and seeds in it. Every now and then chew into some sweet crasins and the mild yet distinct taste you get from this is the coco chips. Everything nicely blended into one small bar. 

Macadamia Choc.Conut - This was one of the first I tried from the lot and I was instantly in love with the slightly chocolatey taste with a tinge of salt finish. Reminds me of salted caramel flavor. And the macadamia adds a nice crunch and nutty flavor to complete my palate.

Chocolate and Mixed Seeds Quinoa - this from the picture you should be able to tell is the most chocolatey one. It is my to-go choice if I have cravings for chocolate, which is like really frequent.. Haha!!! But at least it is a healthier choice and great for lactating Mummies, why not? Even though this has the most chocolate, it is not the very sweet type 'cuz the chocolate is a darker kind. 

Some Mummies ask: "do these snacks really help to boost your milk supply"?

Honestly speaking I really didn't measure my output before taking the snacks and after, how to justify since I've been taking all sorts of food and drinks that helps with my milk supply? Like I mentioned, I guess taking everything that helps. Mixing around all the boosting-potential foods and having healthy meals, not forgetting lots of fluid intake. This stash was taken during my 2nd week of confinement when I was still pumping. I have stopped pumping since the 3rd week of confinement and I've been feeding my girl on demand and collecting let downs to make a pack to freeze everyday so there's no exact way to tell how much more my milk supply has grown. 

Well the only prove I have for you is this - my chubs burger baby. Haha. B'cuz Hubs always say she looks like a Hamburger. LOL! She was born a preemie and now this. I haven't taken her to the clinic to weigh her yet but according to my weighing machine at home she's now 4.5kg at 7.5 weeks old and she has caught up with her full term-born friends. So I guess that's my answer for you now. : )

Besides being yummy, the snacks from CherAbite are also nutritious and suitable for both adults & kids, even your husbands can take them - LOL! Cheryl hopes that you will enjoy the delicious cookies with a range of flavours to suit your taste buds!

So that's all for today and I hope you liked my review for the day. Do feel free to leave comments in the comment box below if you have any question/s regarding the topic and I'll try my best to answer them if it's not already stated in my blog above. And that's all for today, bye~! ; )

Promo Update!
Quote "Vanny" to get 15% off orders above $50
from CherAbite.
Promotion ends 31st August 2017. Happy feasting! ; )

If you'd like to find out more about CherAbite their products, visit them at their:
Official website @

Facebook @

P.S. If you'd like to see my future posts, follow me on Facebook and Instagram...

Thank you for reading my blog, until next time.. : )


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