Thursday, August 11, 2016

Beauty Review_Postpartum Slimming With Marie France Bodyline - Part 2

So it's been 2 months that I've been visiting Marie France Bodyline for my weekly pampering sessions. All treatments were tailored to my body type with the help from their trained consultants to come up with the most appropriate and customized treatments to help with my body goals. At Marie France Bodyline, various advanced slimming equipments together with 100% natural formulas are used to achieve the best and long lasting slimming results.

Just to recap about my "goals"; I have been working out since 2 months postpartum and had a healthy & balanced diet, but till now I still have some loose skin, mild cellulite, and fats on certain areas of my body (e.g. lower abdomen, hips, and thighs). I know these are just the norms of being a new mom, but I am also sure most women would want to regain their pre-pregnancy figure or at least strive to do so. What's more is that my wedding is coming in less than a month's' time!?

My consultant, Shan, came up with these treatments to help my exact problems:

1. Venus Freeze is a non-invasive treatment which helps you achieve the body contour you desire. It is a treatment used by many aesthetic doctors and celebrities to compliment beauty & body contouring regimes. Venus Freeze is safe, yet delivers best results quickly without any downtime. 

^ For more detailed explanation on how Venus Freeze works, click here (because I don't wanna go too much into the technicalities and bore you all).

How it felt?
  Venus Freeze was done on my tummy area, with 20 minutes of machine time and 20 minutes of mask/wrap time. A special lotion was first applied onto my tummy area, which was cold but quickly turned into a slightly warm sensation. My therapist began the treatment by using a hand-held component of the machine to slide in motion over my tummy area, and I was told that the metal parts touching my tummy might become warm/hot so I had to tell her if it did. I could feel the metal component getting warmer and warmer by the minutes, and after a few it became hot (but not to worry because it was not painful at all). I told the therapist about it and she lowered the temperature and continued - this was repeated a few times throughout the session.
  It's funny to think that Venus Freeze was actually a warm treatment, because before I tried it I kept thinking it was gonna be something cold & freezing. The warm feeling actually made me really sleepy and I actually dozed off many times already. To end the treatment, a collagen mask was applied to my tummy area; the coolness from the mask helped soothe the skin and the collagen properties aid in firming.

Key benefits of Venus Freeze are: 
~ Cellulite Reduction,
~ Circumferential Reduction,
~ Skin Tightening.

2. Acoustic Radial Therapy (ART) is a non-invasive procedure which helps improve collagen structure and skin's connective tissues for smoother and firmer skin.

For more detailed explanation on how ART works, click here.

How it felt?
  The treatment started off with a "welcome massage" performed on my neck and shoulders, followed by a "hand treatment" where the therapist massaged lotion onto my hands and ended with a quick press (literally a press or two, won't consider as massage) on my feet. I was warned about the pain I might feel especially for a first-timer.   ART procedure began with the therapist using the hand-held portion of the machine to administer "pulses" created by a mechanical ballistic action. It felt as if the machine sucked on my thighs and was pounded by a ball from inside the vacuum. It was quite loud to be honest, but not to the extent of discomfort. It merely kept me from falling asleep, LOL. The "pounding" was a standard 2000 times per treatment, i.e. 2000 times on tummy area, or 1000 times on each thigh (depending on the area to be treated). Don't be alarmed by the number of times as it may sound like a long time because the motion is very quick and the procedure will be complete in 10 minutes.
  After the ART was done, I was given another 10 minutes of massage on the treated area. That was probably my favourite part about the treatment, more massages for a massage-junkie like me - hurhur...
  Was it painful? To be honest, it was a little on my first treatment. More like pain from the tightly-vacuumed skin than the pounding. Back of my thighs were less painful compared to the tummy area, but subsequent sessions were almost painless. 

Key benefits of Acoustic Radial Therapy (ART) are: 
~ Reduction of cellulite,
~ Reduced water retention,
~ Increased blood flow and cell rejuvenation,
~ Improved drainage of toxins,
~ Improved collagen structure for reduced cellulite visibility,
~ Strengthened connective tissues for firmer skin,
~ Increased lipolysis (breakdown of fats within fat cells).

3. V'Pro Advanced System (VPROA) (also non-invasive) offers most advanced clinically-proven & FDA-approved solution to body contouring and circumferential reduction. Using revolutionary technology, helping to reduce skin dimpling, combat cellulite and losing overall inches.

For more detailed explanation on how V'Pro Advanced System works, click here.

How it felt?
  Treatment serum was first pumped onto my skin to prepare for the administration of the machine. The sensation of repeated mechanical action of vacuum and rollers cruising on my skin felt like a vacuum sucking at each area, releasing vacuum, moving on to another area, then sucked again - I would describe it in a layman manner by saying I could picture a giant sucker-fish working to suck those bad-as* fats away - hahaha (hope I didn't offend anyone by using semi-crude language). The procedure was relaxing and no pain at all.

Key benefits of V'Pro Advanced System (VPROA) are: 
~ Increases the metabolism of stored energy,
~ Increases lymphatic drainage,
~ Reduces size of fat cells,
~ Increases collagen production due to fibroblast activation,
~ Reduction in circumference 
~ Smoother skin texture.

Paired with the customised treatments was the Spot Contouring Gel from the Slendher range by Marie France Bodyline. The product is loveeeee! It has an aromatic-citrusy scent of grapefruit, which left me feeling oh-so relaxed and calm after use. What's best is that the Spot Contouring Gel is perfect for stubborn fatty areas like tummy and thighs, and is so easy to use at the comfort of my home. And not to mention that the product is quick-absorbent into my skin and left no greasy feeling at all. Lovely line of product from the Slendher Range.

Slimming Motivation by Age with Marie France Bodyline:

20s Slimming Needs 
  • to build self-confidence and esteem
  • to cope with emotional eating and unhealthy lifestyles
  • to overcome yo-yo dieting habits and eating disorders
  • to improve self-image
  • to prepare for wedding
  • to lose weight and restore body shape after child birth
30s Slimming Needs
  • to lose weight and regain figure after child birth and pregnancy
  • to cope with stressful/ hectic lifestyles and irregular meals
  • to cope with a sedentary lifestyle with late meals
  • to maintain or reduce weight due to metabolism slow down
  • to cope with the onset of ageing process
  • to reduce the cellulite and water retention
  • to lose weight for family planning
40s Slimming Needs
  • to cope with peri menopause hormonal changes (weight gain and waist line increment) and delay the onset of menopause
  • visceral fat reduction
  • to prevent family history diseases
  • for anti-ageing; prevent loss of muscle tone, skin elasticity and hair loss
50s and above Slimming Needs
  • to reduce the negative symptoms of menopause
  • to maintain the bone mass and prevent osteoporosis
  • to reduce high cholesterol and combat gradual weight increase due to hormonal changes
  • to manage the metabolic syndrome and reduce risk factors that results from abdominal obesity and insulin resistance

Part 2 of Postpartum Slimming with Marie France Bodyline stops here.... Do wait up for the results of my treatments in part 3! Feel free to leave comments in the comment box below should you have more to ask pertaining the topic today.

If you are keen to try Marie France Bodyline's treatment, they have some fabulous promotional deals for you!! Just select the promotion you prefer and sign up via the link given and Marie France Bodyline’s representative will call you back soon:

P.S. If you'd like to see my future posts, follow me on Facebook & Instagram @.. 

Thank you for reading my blog. Cheers and stay tuned for more posts. ; )


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