Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Life As a New Mom - My Thoughts 5 Months Later

Today is exactly 20 weeks or almost 5 months since I've become a Mom to my very lovely baby girl, Fayth. I am back to working full time and almost completed a month of work now. Looking back, time really flew past fast. It felt like just few moments ago where I was pregnant, to giving birth and recuperating during confinement, then having slight post-partum depression (because baby cried profusely), then finally coming out of it and started finally enjoying motherhood. 

Jotting down my overall experience as a new mom for memories to keep. Maybe I can show this to Fayth when she's grown up and tell her how much Mummy & Daddy been through. Haha!

Honest feelings
To be honest before I gave birth to Fayth, I was rather chilled and not that excited at all for her arrival. Neither did I dislike the idea of having a baby, I just did not feel the kind of excitement like my hubs did. I was the type who jumped for joy at the sight of cute animals and rushes over just to touch, but do not show such affection for babies. I've always thought of babies being adorable, but would rather not have one on my own since I was the soloist who loved my freedom. Getting pregnant was one of my biggest decisions in life; I was actually hoping to feel more alive and joyful again. Okay, long story about why I needed something to make me feel happier - to summarize, I came from a broken family and experienced alot growing up. I used to be a really happy girl but grew into a cold person. Despite all the bad times I've been through, deep down I knew this was not who I want to be forever and wanted to let the negative side of me go. For a long time I struggled to come out of it but I myself could not break the walls down on my own, so I thought giving up my freedom in exchange for something or someone to make me a better person was worth it. I know some of you may judge me and think that I may have had the idea of using my baby for my happiness, but really, I believe there are/were many parents who started out not in love with their babies.

Arrival of Fayth
The first few seconds when I saw this full-haired infant carried in my Gynae's hands, I felt a blank - literally not knowing how to feel at that very moment but also I was in a slight shock to see this little human with so much hair, hahaha really. After she was being cleaned and put on my chest for the first time, I did not feel the immediate connection but still was slightly emotional for realising the sudden changes, i.e. change in physical, lifestyle, status, erm everything I guess? 
Confinement = Roller Coaster In a Confined Space (your mind)
Mummies usually go through an emotional roller coaster ride after birth because she has a new life to adapt to. From having to accept that baby isn't in her body anymore, to adapting to the new lifestyle, new commitments, breastfeeding issues (if she breastfeeds), handling hormonal changes that affects both physical and emotionally, and overall stress (or additional stress from your family members). I remembered during my second night in the hospital when I was holding my baby and preparing to breastfeed her, for a split second I could not contain my emotions and I cried telling my hubby "she's so cute", lol. During the first week of confinement, I was literally crying every evening as I was feeling stressed from the pressure my mil was giving. My mil was the kind who would "time" baby's feeds and if my baby were to cry earlier for milk she would question about my supply. 

Hands-on For The First Time - When My Nanny Left Us
The first night Hubs and I did our night shift, I practically could not sleep 'cuz I was all anxious and filled with anxiety. And soon later we met with an even bigger problem; that my girl would not take her milk quietly - she would cry every time she got hungry, then screamed when we gave her the bottle. This behavior peaked at around her 2nd month to the extend I got into depression the weekend I was left home alone with baby. We tried to change her bottle and teats and it kinda improved but still she was not an easy one to feed. There were times when I questioned myself whether I made the right choice to commit to this new life but I just brushed the thought off since it is my responsibility to be a Mother to my newborn. I miss the times where I latched her bcuz she would drink quietly every time I gave her (.)(.) - surely something I look forward to for my next! Just FYI, she was initially on Avent Natural Bottle but hated it so much and we finally changed to Pigeon's Peristaltic bottles - life saver!
Babies Grow Up Fast
Seeing my baby grow up so fast makes me feel so different at every stage.
1st month - happy, sad, exhausted, stressed.
2nd month - depressed, stressed, and more depressed.
3rd month - slight relief of depression, getting a hang of the routine.
4th month - depression and fear of feeding baby almost gone, and starting to really enjoy the quality time spent with baby.

Many parents complain that their babies grow too fast and wished for time to stop. For me, I embrace every age they're at and look forward to their next. Ever since I've started working, things got alot better and I appreciate the quality time spent with Fayth much much more. Every moment that she's awake, I'll be there to play or watch her - to the extend I could also feel her reciprocate. 
If you remember at the start of this post I mentioned I've never had a thing for babies, I do now and Im in love with her! I never thought I was capable of having such feelings and to answer my own question; no! It was surely a right choice!

Life as a new mom made me change in some ways, im sure some Mummies could relate. For those of you who aren't a Mummy yet, well, I would say you really couldn't relate until you've experienced it for yourself!

1. Over Protective of Baby
Whenever I baby-wear Fayth while shopping and someone bangs into me, I naturally give a "death stare". Like "Ay, you walk and not watch where you are headed cannot see a woman carrying a sleeping baby one meh"?! Mother's instinct; more like tigeress (aka "Mu Lao Hu"). Hahaha.

2. Jealousy 
Sometimes I feel strange but I do get jealous at times. I try not to feel this way 'cuz I'd feel petty if I do, but strangely I still do. *bleah* E.g. when hubs plays with her and leaves me aside when we're out, or when someone talks to her and mentions all about themselves (example) "You love Daddy"?, "Only Daddy plays with you hor", and when I see someone kissing her too often. Its not an issue despite the feelings of jealousy, bcuz I am glad that my hubby is pretty hands-on with her and also the affection from my family and friends. 

3. Change in Fashion Sense
Just one word to describe my current fashion - COMFORT. Lol!
Anything comfy that's at least decent-looking is all the criteria it takes to make it to my current wardrobe, especially during the weekends. I hardly wear makeup anymore, and even if I do its just concealer just not to look like a zombie. Always in flats and sneaks, shorts and pants. Hair is always up 'cuz this girl can really pull! Accessories kept to bare minimal; only wear necklaces when I'm at work and the rest of the time with her I'll have my Fitbit and wedding ring on. Before I became a mom, I always thought of diaper bags to be very "Auntie" (aka look old). Now I'm considering one b'cuz of the way it helps to keep everything organised so its easy to look for things quickly - efficiency and functionality is what us parents want. 

4. Wefies 
Wefie after birth, breastfeeding, shopping, bedtime, day time, any time - you get the point.

5. Comparing Own Baby Photos with Baby's Photos
I think most Mummies are guilty as charged? And yes I know we don't look anything alike, she takes on her Dad for looks and some of my weird physical features like long lashes and hairy body. Haha.

6. Shopping for Baby's Stuff and Falling Victim for Over-Priced Items
New parents tend to over shop for baby and even buying over-priced items just bcuz it seems to be the best for the little one. I had no plans to own any baby carriers or diaper bags bcuz it was given free but ended up due to needs, had to get one. Not only that I got one, I got the more expensive ones.. e.g a baby carrier that costs $300+ with some accessories, and a diaper bag that costs close to $300. We even got a set of self-warming milk bottles that cost a few hundreds but ended up not using. This we'll probably have to keep for our next. Oh ya, Babyspa was also a big splurge. Tsktsk*

7. Baby-Wear Everywhere
Before I got a TULA baby carrier, I slung Fayth in a BABA Sling every time we were out. I even tried to sling her at home during days she was alot more cranky just to put her to sleep. Now that I've got a TULA baby carrier, I baby wear her out on my own on weekends when hubs needs to work and I'll take Fayth out gai-gai (aka shopping). When I say everywhere, literally everywhere.... even in the loo. Hahaha.. Too much info eh. Hello, you imagine going out on your own, there wouldn't be anyone to hold your baby except yourself. So yea.. Btw if in case you were wondering about my TULA, its a standard canvas baby carrier in Puppylove and I got mine from Bumwear @ Marina Square. You could read about my previous post on baby wearing here. You're welcome.

8. Sleep Less and Work More
Im lucky to be one of those who could survive with little sleep; the most i'll get neck aches and that would lead me to having tension headaches. Most night shifts are done by me (credits to hubs who helps me on some nights), I work in the day and return home in the evening busy with all her stuff. I'd have to have a quick dinner, bathe her, bathe myself, do her laundry, do our laundry, massage and feed her then put her to bed. That's a typical routine. Can't imagine breastfeeding Mummies who'd have to pump on top of everything. Kudos Mummies! Besides the usual routine for baby & I, I still try to fit in time for workouts. Being a busy Mummy doesn't give any excuse to be less fit & healthy. Being a busy Mummy isn't any excuse to forgo personal grooming. Whoah, busy but fulfilling.

9. Acquire a New Language - Baby Talk
I never knew how to do baby talk. That's also partly the reason why I don't play with babies. I feel strange or embarrassed making those squeaky sounds or take in cutesy voices. Now, im totally comfortable and good at it. You know you're good at it when your baby smiles or laughs at your goofy faces.

10. Joining Mum's Group and Reading Mummies Group Posts on Facebook
When I was still a pregger, my friend who already became a first-time-dad recommended me a few support groups on Facebook telling me how informative they were for him and his wife. At first I was doubtful about joining such groups, but I tell you, eventually most of my help came from such support groups. It was really useful to join respective groups for the kind of help you need. E.g. breastfeeding group, Mummy's group, baby wearing group, etc. Till today, most of my time on Facebook mostly dedicates to reading posts from parent's support groups as well as commenting to help new parents.

11. Talk About Babies All The Time
Mummy meets another Mummy = talk about babies. Lol. #lifeasamom

So that kinda sums up the new life I have as a new mom. Hope you enjoyed reading my post and if you'd like to read more of my writings do follow me for more updates.

Cheers and stay tuned for more. ; )

Family photo.
The first time she held her head up highest, before she got all cranky.
Skype when I was away in Taipei.
Wefie when she was asleep and I didn't have any other entertainment. Haha.

--------------------- END ---------------------

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Beauty Product Review: My Pickup Artist from Kickstarter

My Pickup Artist is a hard-shell case that hold your favourite beauty products/cosmetics, keeping thinga organised and securely in place for use at home or on the go.

I first learnt about My Pickup Artist while I was browsing through Kickstarter one day. It instantly caught my attention since Im a self-proclaimed OCD constantly trying to put everything in place, lols. Look at the features & benefits and you'd know what I mean. ; )

Features & Benefits (information obtained from

  • Keeps all of your valuable make-up organized and ready to use - anytime, anywhere.
  • Two separated storage compartments with hook and loop base lining and 20 adhesive mini hook and loop tabs to attach to your make-up and secure them in one place.
  • Center compartment with clear plastic lid, helps you view all of your brushes and pencils.
  • Store the makeup products you use every day in the exact order you use them to save time.

  • Make-up case for women on the go, customizable to their needs.

Mess Free
  • No risk of breakage or spilling expensive make-up in the case.
  • Keeps make-up from bouncing around- helping hands stay clean.

  • Protects expensive make-up, keeping them safe, clean and unopened.

  • Stores easily. Closes and neatly packed so it fits into a drawer.
  • When opened, the case creates an instant beauty workspace on a countertop or even across the smallest sink.
  • Patent pending hinge system for the perfect angle of your mirror.

Time Saver
  • Shorten the length of time it takes to apply make-up. No more searching in a drawer or rummaging through a case full of mixed up products. See all of your make-up in one birds-eye view.
  • Just grab the case and go when traveling.

Competitively Priced
  • Compared to make-up train cases and large cosmetic bags.

  • On vacation, on a plane, in a suitcase, in an overnight bag, in the car, hotel room, dorm room, at work. When open, lid with mirror stays in upright position for easy makeup application on any countertop, across a sink, or even while riding in a vehicle.
  • Pick up case by handle
  • Products stays in put within the case as it travels. No rolling around. No disorganization. No potential breakage. No mess.

Saves money
  • You won't lose, misplace, or damage your expensive make-up products.

My Classic Pickup Artist Case in Monaco PInk. 
My little make-up space in my wardrobe.
And so here's how I organise my cosmetics. ; )
Neat or what? I love that each item is secured in place each time I open the case.
They really just stay in place even after being turned upside down.
Great for taking out if you have to.

How does it actually work? Each case comes with velcro adhesive stickers for you to attach to your product/s so that it can be secured to the case. You could customise what you need in the case so its really organised and mess-free, saves you time from digging around your drawer. Its great for those who do not have a ton of makeup, like myself. One down side was that the adhesive to the velcro tabs doesn't stick well to the rounded products, like my makeup brushes - so I ended up using scotch tape to go around for extra security. So far it works well for me. Whatever you see in the pictures, is always what I see on a daily basis. Neat!

If you're interested to read more on My Pickup Artist, here's more information:
Official Website:

P.S. If you'd like to see my future posts, follow me on FB & IG.. 

Thank you for reading my blog. Cheers and stay tuned for more posts. ; )

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Underwater Maternity Photo Shoot with Depthofeel

JTS - my prenatal underwater photo shoot pictures back when I was almost a full term pregger. Before that I didn't really have any thoughts of going for prenatal photo shoots. To be honest, when I was pregnant I was quite lazy to do anything out of my usual routine then since I felt like a clumsy whale all the time. That was until when hubs asked if we should then I considered for awhile. One of the reasons why I didn't wanna do it was because I had the impression that most prenatal shoots are quite dodgy so one day I Google-d for some pictures and found some underwater shots - was quite awesome actually. Think those posted online done by caucasians were like super pro and taken in deep pools. Decided then to get my friend to help us with it. Hurhur.

Well my friend, Sam (from Depthofeel) has been documenting the living conditions and life's of Children in S.E.A for some time already. In the last few years Sam also started on wedding photography and I've seen his works and most of them were quite the style I liked. You can view his portfolio on the official website (website provided at the end of blog post).

There were actually alot more shots but I only chose a few to be edited and kept. Frankly speaking, the effect of the photos could have been even better if it was taken in a deep pool, but also meaning alot more effort to get prepare and get into position since it was already hard enough in the shallow pool - it was tiring yet really fun though. But really big thanks to Sam for helping us capture these special moments. 

Anyway this blog post is really just for me to share my beautiful prenatal underwater photo shoot photos. Enjoy ~ : )

Please do not judge my thunder-thighs. Apparently they got magnified underwater. : O

You saw our heart-shaped hands? Haha.. Is that dodgy or sweet?

If you like my photos and would like to do something similar, feel free to contact Sam for an appointment or even just for some queries first. More information for you to look up below:

Official Website:

P.S. If you'd like to see my future posts, follow me on FB & IG.. 

Thank you for reading my blog. Cheers and stay tuned for more posts. ; )

Saturday, January 02, 2016

Beauty Review - 6D Korean Eyebrow Embriodery with Eagle Beauty

Eyebrow Embroidery is not something new to me and I've gotten my brows done like 4 times already since my teenage days till now. Back then when I first started, the popular eyebrow embroidery was done using a tattoo tool gun, where the beautician gives you a full piece of eyebrow with no "hair-like" strokes. These days where 3D eyebrow embroidery is commonly found, it is done using a special blade and the beautician manually creates the individual strokes onto your brow bone to make your brows much more natural-looking. 
The picture above is me, before & after my latest 6D Korean Eyebrow Embroidery done at Eagle Beauty. I super love can! All my pics (except the first one above) have not been edited except for lighting adjustments, and brows not drawn at all. Didn't want to smoothen out picture too much or add filters so blur out the pics so the brows can be seen clearly.

You can see in the "before" picture that the colours have already faded and were uneven, shape also could be improved. The "after" pic shows my newly done brows which were much more proportionate and suited to my face. Most importantly was that immediately right after the 6D Eyebrow Embroidery, brows looked slightly dark but was not extremely dark till I looked like "La Bi Xiao Xin" (aka the Japanese cartoon Shin-Chan). Haha. For those of you who are not new to eyebrow embroidery would know what I'm talking about. It only looked as though I've drawn my brows on a usual made-up day.
vannytelly vanessa before
Actually before I did my 6D Korean Eyebrow Embroidery, I could have just made do with drawing my brows to good. Look at the above pic, not that bad actually(?) But then hor, the purpose of doing eyebrow embroidery is so I wouldn't have to keep drawing my brows right? I guess that's usually the case lah, so might as well have it done nicely so I could save time every morning before work and look good 24/7.
Walked into Eagle Beauty (@ People's Park) and was greeted by a bright & spacious reception area. The place looks clean and pretty big with several rooms for the privacy of customers getting treatments done.
Consultation was done in the consultation room where details of the treatment was advised by their friendly staff. If it is your first time and should have any question, you could ask all that you have before proceeding.
My brows were done by one of Eagle Beauty's eyebrow embroidery specialist; Jennifer. When I first met her I was surprised to see that she's all dressed up and looked really professional & atas - like a boss eh. But after we started consultation and got to chit-chat a little, I found that Jennifer was really nice & friendly. She drew me a shape for my brows suited to my face and showed to me. 
Just merely seeing the hand-drawn shape made me feel confident about the embroidery. The process was really fast. Jennifer was precise and quick, I didn't have to ask her to redraw at all since she already gotten the shape right on the first time. I tell you, on my last eyebrow embroidery session with another beauty palour, the beautician had to draw & wipe & redraw & wipe a few times before I was satisfied. I mean, not trying to be a difficult customer lah, but then it is something almost permanent so I'd need to check it properly before giving the green light right.
Jennifer double checked for the last time before applying numbing cream on my brows for the embroidery to begin. FYI, the numbing cream takes approximately 20 minutes for the effect to kick in nicely, then you won't feel a thing.
The above pic clearly shows the first three strokes created, you could already tell how this 6D Eyebrow Embroidery is done. Eagle Beauty uses brand new blades for every customer, so not to worry about the hygiene issue. This is important and something you should always check before getting your brows done.
Just 10-15 minutes later, tah-dah... My pretty pair of 6D Korean brows. So nice right? Jennifer gave me a shape that made me look younger instantly. Would you agree so?
Nah, just to show you guys some pictures as a comparison. Pardon the blurry quality of the pictures since iPhone 6 doesn't take on macro (close proximate) shots. The change of my brows was not drastic, but enough to improve my overall appearance. So happy!
Close-up of my right brows.
Close up of my left brows.
Here's Jennifer, who gave me a brand new set of beautiful Korean brows. See she's really dressed up and pretty hor. Hehe. You can call up to make appointment with her, but do make sure to check her schedule and where she would be located since there's a few Eagle Beauty branches.
Usually a week after the initial eyebrow embroidery session, skin on the brows tend to peel (just like tattoos) and will need a touch-up a month later for the colours to set in nicely and last longer. In the midst of recovery for the first week, I was advised not to let water touch my brows and also apply repair gel day & night. You could get the repair gel from Eagle Beauty.
More pictures taken at home that day... JTS~ ; )
For those of you who would like to find out more about Eagle Beauty, here are some links to look at: 

Official Website:

P.S. If you'd like to see my future posts, follow me on FB & IG.. 

Thank you for reading my blog. Cheers and stay tuned for more posts. ; )
Lastly, JTS Eagle Beauty's current promotion for the 6D Eyebrow Embroidery service: 


For just $688* (senior stylists) or $988* (master stylists), receive:
1 x 6D Eyebrow Embroidery (U.P. $2399)
1 x Unlimited touch-ups in one year
1 x DPL Facial (Worth $388)
1 x Growth Factor (Worth $88)
What is so special about 6D Eyebrow Embroidery?
Click HERE to understand more about it!

Head Branch:
People’s Park Complex, #02-37B
+65 6272 7226

Chinatown Branch:
People’s Park Centre, #02-75B
+65 6535 7385

Toa Payoh Branch:
Toa Payoh Central, Block 178, #01-228
+65 6255 3315

Jurong Branch:
Blk 135 Jurong Gateway Road, #02-329
+65 6665 0233

Tampines Branch:
Tampines Street 41, Block 406, #01-29
+65 6785 7611