Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Themed Cafes in Taipei - Modern Toilet Cafe

good food yummy nice

If you Googled for themed cafes in Taipei, you would find a list and one of them would be the Modern Toilet Cafe. Wanting to pass some time during my recent solo trip to Taipei, I arranged for lunch with my Mom at the Modern Toilet Cafe. Come let's take a look at what the cafe had in store for us. ; )

good food yummy nice recommended
On the ground floor you'd find a staircase leading to the dining area on the second floor.
good food yummy nice recommended
At the entrance, you already could see decors of toilet bowls & poop. Lol. 
good food yummy nice recommended
Toilet, anyone? : D
good food yummy nice recommended
Arriving on the second floor was a crowd of customers dining on toilet bowls.
Looks pretty funny huh.
good food yummy nice recommended
And this... Was my toilet bowl for that afternoon. Haha.
good food yummy nice recommended unique shit poop
Seated down, we were greeted with a basin of poop - the decor under the dining table.
Fancy the view during mealtime?
good food place recommended
Flipping through the menu, I found the prices rather reasonable. Main courses ranged from NT$200-$400, and each main course came with tea and an ice-cream. The variety was fairly wide too.
good food recommended place must visit
Payment was made at the cashier during order. Souvenirs can be purchased while waiting. 
good food recommended must visit see place
There's a corner with more novelty items for sale.
good food yummy place must see visit recommended
Gift items were funny-looking & affordable too.
good food recommended must see visit place

good food curry chicken rice must see visit place recommended
I ordered a Classic Toilet Meal - Chicken Curry with rice. I ordered this thinking it was Japanese-style curry, ended up it tasted more like local Singapore curry. Curry gravy was thick and tasteful, and generous with the chicken chunks. Its not bad if you are a curry lover. The sides that came with the rice was a clear mushroom soup that tasted bland, and a small saucer of shell-like appetizer which I did not try 'cuz I wasn't supposed to take seafood. In the top right corner you see two glasses of beverages. The simple looking one was the complimentary red tea that came with the main course, and the blue urinal drink was Bubble Milk Tea which I topped up an additional NT$50 for. The Bubble Milk Tea was not fantastic, would rather buy from bubble tea stores else where. IMO the complimentary red tea actually tasted better than the Bubble Milk Tea. Topped up only for the novelty of the cup for photo-taking actually.
good food yummy recommended must see visit place chicken curry
Picture looks good eh? Making myself feel hungry already. : P
good food yummy recommended must see visit place seafood pasta
Mom ordered a Seafood Pesto Cream Sauce Spaghetti. She said it tasted yummy though I personally felt nothing about it. Maybe it was because I tried this after taking a bite of my Curry Chicken and made this taste less. I must say it looked pretty decent though.
good food recommended must see visit place chocolate ice cream dessert
The complimentary Chocolate Ice Cream tasted a little like Milo Ice Cream.
Cute and quite tasty. Poop ice-cream anyone? : D
good food selfie photos recommended must see visit place
Wefie with Mom. : D
poop recommended must see visit places selfies unique
Time for a selfie! with the Poopies. : P
poop recommended must see visit places unique
Mommy wanted a selfie too!
unique poop recommended must see visit place
What's this? Toilet bowl used as a basin.
unique recommended must see visit places
Urinal display in the washroom.
Total of approx. NT$750 was spent for 2 set meals, which was equivalent to SGD$33 - price was quite affordable I would say. Of course it was more expensive than local street foods, but for this price to dine for the experience while travelling, not that bad after all lah. Here's the address and website link for more info. ; )


unique places must see visit map how to


  1. I had read about this restaurant earlier on a social media website. Thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. You and your mom are beautiful. Hoping to read more posts from you in future too!

    Fatima |

    1. Dear Fatima, thanks for reading. Yea there has been alot of blog post on this Cafe already so I had to try it myself. Really had so much fun with photo taking, easily make up a blog post. Thank you for the awesome compliment about my Mom & I. Hope to hear from u in future. ;)
