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Mrs. Beautiful Skin 2016/17 Blogger Mom of 2 Beautiful Angels Wifey Fitness Instructor Happy & Contented

Thursday, January 04, 2024

Laterel Canthopexy, Paranasal Implant And Revision Rhinoplasty_Wish Clinic Taipei

 Happy New Year! Doing a quick review for the small enhancements I did last March in Taipei Wish clinic. It was my 2nd time there so I won't be doing too much introduction to the clinic & doctor, you can find my previous posts here.


Basically after about 8 years since I've gotten my (incisional) double eyelids + ptosis, and rhinoplasty done, this was a "follow-up" to readjust my eyes & nose a little.

After some time I realised I'd have preferred a more natural look, and a lower nose bridge. Besides that, I also did notice my nose tip shrinking over time. I take that as a 'wear n tear' situation. That was the main reason why I wanted a revision, so I reached out to Dr Chuang and booked an appointment for surgery.


If you can see here, the left is the kind of shape I wanted for my side profile. With a low nose bridge, enhancing the S-curve from forehead, to nose bridge, to the tip of my nose. And also to lengthen the tip, restoring to it original length when I first gotten my previous rhinoplasty (similar to the pic on the left basically).

Summary of what I did for my new NOSE:

I lowered my nose bridge, lengthened my tip, streamlined my nose bridge.
Dr Chuang used a piece of flesh extracted from the line of my butt cheeks (this area to keep it hidden) for my nose tip. My nose tip used to be a little pinkish/red easily due to the skin/flesh being thin so it had to be padded again. I also extracted some balance perm fillers (silicon) left on the right side of my nose bridge - please do not do ANY perm fillers!!!

If you can see from my frontal shot (above), the nose bridge for me was also a little on the thicker side and this was the reason why I wanted to streamline it further YET without being overly thin. Doctor Chuang also said this could be achieved easily, with just a thinner implant. (FYI, he uses goretex implants and I am returning to him bcuz' doctors in SG does not seem to practice using this implant type and I was rejected haha)

Summary of what I did for my FACE:

The little triangle markings on the sides of my nose, were for paranasal implants. Those things would smooth out deep smile lines, but its not 100% - it'll improve the lines about 40-50%. Incision was from under the mouth, with dissolvable stitches. I gave it a go since Doctor Chuang recommended this procedure, and I trust him for his eye of beauty.

I also did lateral canthopexy, it is to lengthen the ends of my eye. My eye whites show too little, so I wanted to widen it for a brighter/bigger eye look. The effects are not very obvious, it is very subtle.

Last look at my old nose and we went off for the surgery. Everything was done under sedation, no GA was involved. It took about 3-4 hours to complete? (I can't quite rem the exact duration, but it went smoothly) I woke up quite shortly after and had my fruits after I woke up. I felt VERY OKAY (no signs of nauseaness) and in NO PAIN. I was able to walk to 7-11 (as usual), buy food, and take a cab back to my b&b apartment.

Post-Op Updates:

My nose was really swollen when the bandages came off, but this is usually normal for rhinoplasty to look like an Avartar character. Side profile looks great from right after the op, I was patiently waiting for my nose to de-swell.

I would visit the clinic every other day to use this, the yellow light therapy would help to deswell & it possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm and soothe. 30 minutes each time and I'll be off to shopping & food hunting again.

Stitches were removed in a week, except for the dissolvable ones within my mouth as they didn't need to be removed. Once again I was really pleased with Dr Chuang's recommendations and his skills. I actually was also keen in a lip lift/philtrum shortening, but Dr Chuang says I couldn't do it this trip and only able to do so 1 year post-op from my rhinoplasty. This is bcuz' the incisions are the same spots hence I'll need to fully recover before getting a lip lift. Anyone has experiences with this procedure kindly share if you don't mind, I am so keen!

Fast forward 3 months later:

This is my before & after, with after on the left and before on the right. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my side profile especially, the S-curve is SO SO SO gorg!!! Frontal wise I am still patiently waiting for the nose bridge to slim down further - usually takes up to a year for nose to fully deswell!

You can also take a closer look, my smile lines are less deep already!
And the whites of my eyes are a showing a little more, exactly all that I wanted!

I wanted to highlight this, many people who did Lateral Canthoplasty usually have their eyelids stick back together again after some time. Dr Chuang explained with Lateral Canthopexy, he needs to anchor the opening with an additional step and this would make the results perm. As you can see, my eyes still look the same many months later. So I would def recommend this over 'canthoplasty'.

LOVE my side profile, I get so much compliments!
Gone are the days of high nose bridges!
Curvey side profiles makes the face look more feminine IMO.

Lastly, a frontal shot taken 9 months post-op.

I hope this has come in useful for those of you planning to get similar procedures done. If you need more info on the clinic, as I mentioned at the start you can find them in my old posts (tho they were dated 8 years ago!). This is part 2 & part 3 of my 3 part blog posts... (old ones!!)

If you have any questions you can find me on IG/TT @Vannytelly , I did also pin some videos of my time there in Taipei up. Good bye for now! :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

My Delivery Story - Officially A Mother Of Three Girls!

They say every pregnancy and delivery is different, now I'll have three different stories to tell for the birth of my three princesses. 

When I had Fayth, the first sign was a dilation of 2cm at 37/38 weeks, followed by a call to my boss for immediate activation of maternity leave. 5 days later I woke up in the middle of the night and found my water bag broken. 9 hours from the broken water bag and 1 hour of pushing, she was born.

With Hope at 35 weeks, I felt some cramping on and off for a day. At night it got more intense and I knew I'll have to have a check in the morning. Before I left home I already had bloody show and I know for sure I had to pay the gynae a visit. Was warded immediately and given meds to stop my contractions and a jab to speed up maturity of baby's lungs. But no more than 5 hours since the bloody show, Hope just couldn't wait and she arrived - without a push!! She slid out.. hahaha.. Was the easiest birth I'd say.

Instant love, instant connection.
But actually this day Hope was a little emo. *Hugs* my big baobei~

With Baby J, at the night of CNY day 3 (2020), I started to feel contractions. Wasn't sure if they were real or fake 'cuz I actually had "contractions" for days/ almost a week prior to that night. I started to time the intervals and found that they were regular and not only that, were getting closer - 5 minutes at first, then it progressively became 3-5 minutes each time. Luckily i stopped my hubs from heading out for his night errands when I sensed something "different". Told him "okay I'm gonna wash my hair now and go to the hospital", so that's what we did. It was 8+pm when we left home, my heart sank as I left both my older girls at home and Hope was crying hysterically as Mama left her. 

Arrived at the hospital and I was 4cm dilated already. This round I really didn't feel that the contractions were painful, it just felt like tightening everytime it happened. I could still walk from the waiting room to the labor room on my own and it felt great! ('cuz the previous 2 i was pushed into the labor ward on a bed, haha) Still asked for epi even though i didn't think i really really needed it, 'cuz at first my gynae thought it'll take some time for me to dilate as he mentioned my cervix was still thick - thought i had to wait long so i'd rather have some peaceful rest while waiting. He had to break my water bag to speed things up. Dr Tho (my gynae) told me he'd be expecting baby's arrival just before sunrise..

But who knew around 2am when i was just about to feel sleepy, i suddenly felt that the tightening got grew more intense and felt like something "below" was coming out so I got the nurses to check. True enough, i was close to full dilation already! SUPER FAST! Dr Tho came right back and prepped me up, i gave 5 pushes and Baby J. was born. I swear if I knew she was gonna come this quickly I could have tried without epi and save on the backache and epi pain (explain below later). But with low dose of epi it made everything a breeze, plus pushing her out was also a smooth & easy.

I side track abit... this round it was the first time ever I felt that administration of epi the most painful!! I guess it's because I was not so much in contractions pain it mad me feel too much of the epi needle going into my back. It was horrible and I had to gas up to relax myself during the administration. Gosh!! If given a choice that I could redo things, I would have done without epi.

For my first 2, contractions were so painful I really couldn't feel much of the epi pain during administration. This round it was totally "memorable".. haha, but not so in a good way.

Buttttttt, anyways choice is made and everything is done and i'm just glad Baby J. arrived safely and she's been awfully guai (good) 'cuz she listened to EVERY SINGLE THING I told her when she was in my tums. First I told her to stay in til the safe zone, and she did. Then I prayed for her to come subtly and arrive smoothly, and she did just that. You are so guai my baobei!! *MuaCks**

This 3rd baobei of mine arrived on day 4 of CNY at 38 weeks exactly, weighing at 2.77kg. The feeling of meeting your lil' one for the first time never gets old. It was love at first sight! :)

And latching for the first time was also a wonderful and special moment. I swear you won't know this feeling until you tried it for yourself! The feeling is so amazing you won't know it until it hits you! Hehe!!

I remembered setting this alphabet board up in my labor ward while waiting for her to arrive haha.
Must prep for nice photo taking 'cuz last baby liao!

Who do you think she looks like? At first look both hubs and I feel she has her own unique look.

But later on I feel she looks like Hope Jie2 when she was a newborn baby.
Now at home sometimes I see both her Jie2s in her face, but I guess they're sisters so they'll always have a little of each other in their faces.. Hehe. 

And here's a short video of her two Jie2's reaction when meeting Baby J. for the first time.
This will be memories for them later on when they've grown up, it'll be a lovely memory to look back at. I love you girls and you'll always have each other! Happy & contented with a complete set - Fayth, Hope, Joy, we can close shop liao. Muahahahahaha.. Don't ask me if we wanna try for a boy or add on another Mei2 'Love', not our intention or a need. I think we are very happy and comfortable where we are already, one more means being out numbered!! LOLs!! Kudos to Mummies & Daddies who have more than 3 kids, especially if they're like mine all small age gaps...!! How do you do it?! But first, must make sure my Hubs go tie else its not a guaranteed. Hurhur~

Jotting down this to share with anyone who's curious or kaypo to find out, and also for me to read probably when I'm old and reminiscing. But for now I'm surely gonna remember this day deeply in my heart maybe until my girls start driving me nuts. Haha... Do feel free to leave comments in the comment box below if you have any question/s regarding the topic and I'll try my best to answer them if it's not already stated in my blog above. And that's all for today, bye~! ; )

Ps. here's the link to my 2nd birth story if you're keen. :)
Click here!

If you'd like to see my future posts and updates on my classes/blog/give-aways,

you can follow me on Facebook & Instagram.

Bye for now and see you soon! 🙂

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Tian Wei Confinement Food Singapore Review_My 2nd Time Ordering!

It's my second time ordering confinement home catered food from Tian Wei Signature and this round I've ordered it for my 2nd month postpartum 'cuz I figured out my confinement nanny could cook confinement meals for me during my first month of confinement then continue to have nutritious confinement food on the second month to further nourish my body with the needed nutrients. I chose Tian Wei Signature again as I really enjoyed the meals from their 28-day package the last round and I really missed the food so yes, ordered from them this round again!

I won't say too much on why, what, how, I'll just show you guys some of my fav dishes from Tian Wei! Will link you up with my detailed blog post which I've done for the last round at the bottom of this blog post. Enjoy the food pics!!! :P

First day is always the most exciting!! I remembered I missed the meals so much and I was really happy to have their meals again this round. Their meals always come in a thermal bag and food is always warm and ready to be eaten. Foods with liquid like soup/gravy is double sealed to prevent spills. They even gave a set of metal straws for the red date tea (see above!), so environmentally friendly!

This round they also indicated if the fish dish has bones in them, I find it a really good reminder else sometimes we Mummies tend to eat really quickly especially when baby is crying and all. So it's good to have this reminder, very thoughtful!

Below are some of my fav dishes!! :P


Anyone fan of Red Wine Chicken?

This looks very normal but I particularly like this style of cooking for pork ribs. It's very tender and has juicy fish maw in it. Sedap!

I'm not a chicken wings person but this was good. My kids love it too. Sweet sweet one~

Vinegar Pork Trotters need no introduction hor. Hehe!

Green Papaya Fish Soup is the ultimate fav among Mummies 'cuz MILK BOOTER + nutritious + delicious!! This is the milky version and they also serve the clear version on other days.


This is one of my fav western meals. I LOVEEEEE the quinoa, the salmon with cream sauce, and their signature Orange Peel Red Bean Puree. Very niceeeee...!

This (above) Japanese-inspired meal is new this round and its really good! My nanny loved it too, hehe cuz' I'd share my food and this was one of her favs! And now that I've mentioned, I find the portion just right for me. It's not overly huge so I won't be too stuffed yet I'm still able to share a little on certain days.

A summary of my review (again):
  • Food is delicious and there's not a single thing I didn't like.
  • Always arrived on time, service from the delivery uncle is good and he's friendly.
  • Food and drinks are always warm and ready-to-be-consumed.
  • Wide variety and interesting fusion dishes - I really loved the western & fusion dishes!
  • Food is healthy and nutritious, flavors are well-controlled and not too salty/oily, etc.
  • Balanced diet for having vegetables, protein, staple, and soup every meal.
  • Convenient and hassle free, definitely suitable for busy Moms!
  • Customer service staff were friendly and make calls to check if the food delivered are all up to satisfaction. May also make requests, eg I didn't have Sheng Hua Tang this round cuz' I only ordered in after 2nd month of confinement.
  • Kitchen was always accommodating to my meal requests, e.g. made my red date tea less sweet when I asked and very efficient in response.
  • Pricing is reasonable, and there's a variety of meal plans to choose from.

Ultimately I would definitely recommend Tian Wei Signature to anyone looking for confinement food catering. It's simple, yet packs a good variety, totally the best thing if you have no nanny or would like to continue with more nutritious eating after your first month of confinement.

As mentioned above I did a very detailed blog post the last round in 2017, I had confinement food after delivery back then, and here are the links. I've broken them down into 2 parts with the traditional chinese confinement foods vs the fusion confinement foods. All the photos of every meal + dishes of its names are in there. Hope it'll be informative for you to make your decision on your confinement catering choices!

Part 2 Confinement Food Singapore Review(Fusion Meals): https://vannytelly.blogspot.com/2017/07/postpartum-service-reviewconfinement.html

So that's all for today and I hope you liked my review for the day. Do feel free to leave comments in the comment box below if you have any question/s regarding the topic and I'll try my best to answer them if it's not already stated in my blog above. And that's all for today, bye~! ; )

If you'd like to find out more about Tian Wei Signature & their packages, visit them at their:

Official website @ https://www.tianweisignature.com/

P.S. If you'd like to see my future posts, follow me on Facebook and Instagram...

Thank you for reading my blog, until next time.. : )

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Newborn And Family Photography With Niji Gallery Singapore

Just a short blog post today to share some of our newborn photos done by Niji Gallery Photography. They're a local (Singapore) based photography company that does mainly newborn & family shoots. And quote really affordable prices. Hope you like the photos as much as I do!!

Oh yes FYI, the white thing Baby J. is lying on... It's actually a bump cast which I did with Keeping Memories 3D Casting when I was in my third trimester. We kinda discussed to have the casting done and ave it ready for her shoot, so we could have some REALLY meaningful photos to keep since she's gonna be our last precious baby. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! By the way if you're keen to find out more on the bump/baby cast services, do head on to my IG post for more details!

FYI: some of the pics below are raw pics and unedited.

close shop liao~~~ hurhurhur..

Typically the newborn shoot would take about 3 hours (plus minus) in total. For us we took about a whooping 4 hours cuz' baby kept waking up and we spent alot of time coaxing her to sleep - so the duration really depends on how "well" baby performs that day. And typically such shoots are recommended for newborn babies below 14 days old as they tend to be more sleepy and it'll be easier for the photoshoot to sail through. Baby J. was already close to 2 weeks old by the time we shot these. For more details of the rates and charges, please PM Niji Gallery on their Facebook page (see below for link) to find out.

The photoshoot was done at at our home during my confinement, which is what I always make sure for cuz' I really prefer not to head out during this period. Niji Gallery Photography is run by a husband and wife team and they're really great with babies since they have a few of their own! Thanks for the session and the lovely photos!!

So that's all for today and I hope you liked my short photo sharing session. Do feel free to leave comments in the comment box below if you have any question/s regarding the topic and I'll try my best to answer them if it's not already stated in my blog above. And that's all for today, Happy CNY everyone - I'll most likely be doing my confinement by then... bye~! ; )

If you'd like to find out more about Niji Gallery Photoraphy and their services, visit them at their:

P.S. If you'd like to see my future posts, follow me on Facebook and Instagram...

Thank you for reading my blog, until next time.. : )