Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Baby Product Review_My First Jujube Diaper Bag - BFF Countess !

If you did read up on my previous post on my Life As A New Mom, one of the things I mentioned that I never thought I would do was to get a diaper bag.. esp one that looks obviously like one - Haha. That was because all these while I always deemed diaper bags as child-like or very auntie-ish, didn't like the idea of carrying one let alone spending bucks on them.

After becoming a new Mummy and brainwashed by other fellow Mummies, I suddenly had an interest in diaper bags but mostly for the functionality more than its design. I baby-wear my baby girl in TULA most times when we are out for family day and sometimes out on my own, so having a bag that is comfortable to carry while baby wearing is important on top of the functionality of the diaper bag for efficiency. Not sure why, becoming a new Mom made me cared less about myself and more for my baby (but of course not to the extend of ZERO care for myself lah). That also meant that I would rather do anything to have most ease and comfort when bringing baby out over wanting to looking pretty myself and make things difficult for myself taking care of my baby. Sacrifice or compromise? ; )

After asking around Mummies & Daddies who uses TULA, it seemed that Jujube was the most popular brand regardless of the design/series of bags. I myself quite liked the BFF out of the entire range of Jujube diaper bags, and its room size was most similar to what I previously used already (the free Nestle pink diaper bag given in 2015). You'd need to know the exact size you need i.e. things you'd normally pack for a day out as different designs fits/suits different needs. 

Let's have a quick look! at my brand new Jujube BFF in Countess.. Hehe..

Front View

Back View

Bottom View

Side View

Metal Ware Close-Up

Small Front Pocket - you can use this for small items like loose change or just some mints or perhaps a lip balm?

Main Compartment

Close-Up of Main Compartment

Back Slot Compartment - fits the changing mat nicely.

I keep the changing mat there and sometimes slot in my wet bag together when I use my TULA. In case if you're wondering what I mean, I keep my TULA carrier in a wet bag when not in use.. So when I use my TULA I'll keep the wet bag in this slot.

The Changing Mat

Here's more information on the specs of the Jujube BFF bag. Sorry for the blur picture thou.. (Picture obtained from:

Carrying as sling.

Carrying as backpack.

Backpack style.

It was quite a difficult decision on choosing the perfect diaper bag brand, style, and even the colour/design. I chose Jujube's BFF for the following reasons:
- Closest to my previous diaper bag size
FYI - the things I normally bring on a day out:
> 2 milk bottles

> 1 3-tier FM container
> 1 mini thermal flask
> 1 shawl/blanket
> 1 wet bag to hold a set of baby clothes in case, and one top for myself also in case.
> 1 (each) wet wipes for general use, wet wipes for face, hand sanitizer, packet tissue paper
> 3-4 pieces of diapers
> 1 baby toy/rattle (to distract baby when cranky)
> Other items include my HP, a small coin purse to hold my credit card, some cash and my lip balm, pacifier and teether-cum-pacifier clip, baby spa membership card.
The above is how I usually pack, but could also fit a towel and swim diapers when I bring LO for swimming at Baby Spa, with some space left. 
- Dual carry; sling & backpack so I can use in different styles 
- Got it in Countess print to match my Puppy Love TULA, both black-based. And not too
  colourful 'cuz hubs & I share the bag

- Hubs love it too!
- Super lots of pockets, very functional for an OCD like me! Haha.
- Well.. pretty compared to other brand I was considering (Skip Hop backpack that is)
- Feels sturdy, well made, and like it could last a couple of years. (we'll see..)

But of course there were other feedbacks given for this bag compared to other series of Jujube or even other brands... 
- BFF is heavier compared to Minibe, BRB, and Hobobe... I guess its because of the metal wares? But each of the mentioned is different in size and I find that BFF suits my needs best and also because its dual-way carry.. Love that!
- Jujube BFF's definitely heavier than the other brand I was considering; i.e. Skip Hop
backpack. But when I showed hubby the Skip Hop backpack, he was totally uninterested  'cuz it looked too plain. So the weight was not even an issue compared with the not-so
pretty look. But honestly speaking, though BFF is abit on the heavier side, wearing it on my back while baby-wearing my girl didn't make me feel too much. So okay lah its not that bad. I mean if you held both bags up in your hands you could feel the difference in weight, but not so much when you carry on your back.
- It's a little costly.. approximately end $200s for a BFF. Hubs & I decided to invest in one for long-term usage. I read from other Mummies that they even use it for their tots.. So we can use it for first, and (maybe) second baby, and even till they are a few years old. Well, probably we'd end up with more JJBs then. Hahaha..

Buying online is probably cheaper, you can check out Pupsik. But if you'd like to try and have a look at the physical item, you can head over to Maternity Exchange (#03-108, near Kiddy Palace and Bum Wear) at Marina Square for a look-see. 

Hope its enough information for you Mummies & Daddies. Do feel free to leave me a comment for more qns on this topic and if you liked reading my blog posts and would like to read more of my writings, do follow me for more updates!

Cheers and stay tuned for more. ; )